Saturday, May 26, 2012

First Day of Summer!

Ok! We are off to start the summer! 86 days!  We have collected a ton of Pinterest ideas and plan on doing at least one a day through out the summer! No more collecting them! We will do some of the great ideas we have collected! My boys are 9 and 2 and are very active boys so this will help keep them busy!
Day 1:

Today, we decided to make play dough. We have done so before but not in large quantities. It is super easy and I found a great recipe on

2 cups Flour
1 cup Salt
1tbsp oil
3/4 cup water with food coloring of choice mixed in!

First mix the dry ingrediants then pour and stir the liquids in! To get it mixed well you will have to get your hands in it! I suggest putting flour on your hands or kids hands while they mix it!

We are reusing our deli plastic bins for storage! The kids had a blast, Carter made it and showed Callen how to play with it! It kept them busy for a few hours today! SUCCESS!! Carter was begging for another project! (Being the first day I did not want to get a head of ourselves) I got him to help mow the lawn and run through sprinklers instead! Now it is 5 and I have some time to myself as my boys are worn out! Better get making dinner! We will have more to share tomorrow!!

Here is our end result! Took Less than 10 minutes to make each batch and not too messy!! Proud Boys!

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