"I think I know what we are going to do today Mom"
I am a mother of two rambunctious boys ages 9 and 2. I also have a chronic autoimmune disease which has changed my life around. I cannot do the things I used to. I do not want my kids to feel like they miss out on things. We have been using Pinterest frequently. It is a treasure chest of inspiration. We pin and pin and pin! Then they sit there....on the bulletin board. These great creative ideas that scream at me and make me desire to be more creative! I think I can do that! I cannot do a lot of things but I can do some things! I just have to change some! I am not working currently due to the disease. This summer I want to make fun! I want it to be one they remember! So...our goal is to take one of the creative ideas we have pinned a day and complete it. A pin a day. This can be a little one, a big one, just something to break up the summer days and do things that we normally would not! We can do it! These ideas are from the creative minds on pinterest and we hope you enjoy them! 86 days of Summer!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Toddler Wipes Toy

I am not sure about other moms, but wipe containers are available in my house most of the time! I also have a 2 year old that seems to love to pull the wipes out of the containers one at a time. I catch him in the act at least once a week. Other times I will find wipes all over his room. We are in the process of making our own wipes, and doing research on them but thought this would be fun for him! We had Everything on hand and cost us nothing! I will continue to switch up the fabric and add different kinds, textures, and colors. Not sure what to call this but:

Empty wipes container
craft supplies to decorate (I let my 2 year old pick out what he wanted)
Glue Gun
Fabric (we used old clothes that had wholes and cut rectangles out of them)
We started by giving Callen the items he could choose from to glue on. This itself took 30 minutes as he is not used to being able to root through the craft bins. H likes all the bright colors of course. I used the glue gun where he told me to and he pushed them on except for the small beads as they are little I did not want him to get hot glue on himself. He dropped them on and I pushed in. We used some sparkly sticker paper and ribbed paper for different textures. He likes to strum on the ribbed top. Next we went to the scrap bin and found different textures of fabric to put in there. Fleece and Sweats were his favorite. We tied some together like a clown handkerchief and left some separate! This was a hit. I am not sure if he loves it as much as real wipes but he has fun with it! He now carries it around and shows everyone his magic. If he starts to go for his wipes in the bedroom I grab this one and give him it. I am pleased with this one! 

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